Support us

Welcome to Lugati

If you like the content that we provide on Lugati website, you can support us with one of the following:

  1. Use Lugati curriculums and material and approve it in the education process. Provide remarks and feedback about the curriculums so we can work on developing and improving it constantly.
  2. Share our website and its accounts on social media among Muslims all around the world.
  3. Print curriculums and distribute it for free to those who would benefit from it.
  4. Volunteer in Lugati family or help by providing ideas, writing or editing content, translating to several languages, drawing, design, writing, composition, or providing specialized counseling.
  5. Financial support, you can take part in financial support of this project by putting in “Sadaqah Jariyah” In Sha’a Allah by clicking the Donate button or by granting donation from institutions interested in sponsoring and developing the project.
